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New posts in language-design

Where are the readonly/const in .NET?

Why do most programming languages only have binary equality comparison operators?

How is a reference different from a pointer in implementation? [duplicate]

Why are regular expressions greedy by default?

Why does !new Boolean(false) equals false in JavaScript?

Advantages of Java's enum over the old "Typesafe Enum" pattern?

Scala's .type and Java's .class literal

What makes PHP slower than Java or C#?

php language-design

Mathematica: Unevaluated vs Defer vs Hold vs HoldForm vs HoldAllComplete vs etc etc

How do multimethods solve the namespace issue?

Why do the older C language specs require function-local variables to be declared up-front?

Is it possible to create a quine in every turing-complete language?

Why does the local variable of an enhanced for loop have to be local? [duplicate]

Closures in Scala vs Closures in Java

What exactly is or was the purpose of C++ function-style casts?

c++ casting language-design

Why does a collection initializer expression require IEnumerable to be implemented?

c# syntax language-design

Why can't an interface implementation return a more specific type?

In C/C++ why does the do while(expression); need a semi colon?

c++ c language-design

Datatype promotion for dependently challenged

PEG for Python style indentation