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Why is there no ^^ operator in C/C++?

& has &&. | has ||. Why doesn't ^ have ^^?

I understand that it wouldn't be short-circuiting, but it would have different semantics. In C, true is really any non-zero value. Bitwise XOR is not always the same thing as logical XOR:

int a=strcmp(str1,str2);// evaluates to 1, which is "true"
int b=strcmp(str1,str3);// evaluates to 2, which is also "true"
int c=a ^^ b; // this would be false, since true ^ true = false
int d=a ^ b; //oops, this is true again, it is 3 (^ is bitwise)

Since you can't always rely on a true value being 1 or -1, wouldn't a ^^ operator be very helpful? I often have to do strange things like this:

if(!!a ^ !!b) // looks strange
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Zifre Avatar asked May 07 '09 22:05


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What is the operator in C?

C operators are one of the features in C which has symbols that can be used to perform mathematical, relational, bitwise, conditional, or logical manipulations. The C programming language has a lot of built-in operators to perform various tasks as per the need of the program.

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Called Logical NOT Operator. It is used to reverse the logical state of its operand. If a condition is true, then Logical NOT operator will make it false.

Can you use || in C?

The result of a logical OR ( || operator in C) is true if EITHER of its inputs is true. Similarly logical AND ( && operator in C) is true if BOTH of its inputs are true.

2 Answers

Dennis Ritchie answers

There are both historical and practical reasons why there is no ^^ operator.

The practical is: there's not much use for the operator. The main point of && and || is to take advantage of their short-circuit evaluation not only for efficiency reasons, but more often for expressiveness and correctness.
By contrast, an ^^ operator would always force evaluation of both arms of the expression, so there's no efficiency gain. Furthermore, situations in which ^^ is really called for are pretty rare, though examples can be created. These situations get rarer and stranger as you stack up the operator--

if (cond1() ^^ cond2() ^^ cond3() ^^ ...) ...

does the consequent exactly when an odd number of the condx()s are true. By contrast, the && and || analogs remain fairly plausible and useful.

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Don Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10


Technically, one already exists:

a != b

since this will evaluate to true if the truth value of the operands differ.


Volte's comment:

(!a) != (!b)

is correct because my answer above does not work for int types. I will delete mine if he adds his answer.

Edit again:

Maybe I'm forgetting something from C++, but the more I think about this, the more I wonder why you would ever write if (1 ^ 2) in the first place. The purpose for ^ is to exclusive-or two numbers together (which evaluates to another number), not convert them to boolean values and compare their truth values.

This seems like it would be an odd assumption for a language designer to make.

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John Rasch Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

John Rasch