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Read/Write Python Closures

Why does the implicit copy constructor calls the base class copy constructor and the defined copy constructor doesn't?

Why no stored type properties for classes in swift?

language-design swift

Whatever happened to the 'entry' keyword?

c language-design

Why is The Iteration Variable in a C# foreach statement read-only?

c# language-design

Why are default arguments evaluated at definition time?

Why does C++ need the scope resolution operator?

What is the purpose of null?

In C#, why is "int" an alias for System.Int32?

c# types language-design alias

Why does C++ mandate that complex only be instantiated for float, double, or long double?

does a disaster proof language exist?

Why are most string manipulations in Java based on regexp?

Why Is Dynamic Typing So Often Associated with Interpreted Languages?

Are design patterns really language weaknesses?

Why was IEnumerable<T> made covariant in C# 4?

Why don't PHP attributes allow functions?

I don't understand why we need the 'new' keyword

c# language-design

What's the motivation behind having copy and direct initialization behave differently?

Why isn't __new__ in Python new-style classes a class method?

Why did Matz choose to make Strings mutable by default in Ruby?