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New posts in language-design

Why does java have no byte type suffix? [closed]

java language-design byte

Is "std::is_callable" replaced with "std::is_invocable" in C++17?

C# error when class shares name with namespace

Why is short-circuiting not the default behavior in VB?

Fixed Object Id for System Objects and Small Integers in Ruby

c# switch statement more limited than vb.net 'case' [closed]

Does Haskell have pointers?

What programming languages have the most easily-implemented interpreters?

What is the overall design philosophy of php? [closed]

How is Dart "sound null-safety" different from Kotlin null safety?

Matching a virtual machine design with its primary programming language

What's wrong with type classes?

Overcoming needle haystack confusion in PHP

php language-design

What's the reason high-level languages like C#/Java mask the bit shift count operand?

Why does Ruby use its own syntax for safe navigation operator?

Why does the compiler require `delete [] p` versus `delete p[]`?

Why doesn't Haskell have symbols (a la ruby) / atoms (a la erlang)?

Why is this legal in C?

c language-design

Why is there no ^^ operator in C/C++?

Why is __new__ a staticmethod and not a classmethod? [duplicate]