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ShareKit in Xcode 4 - lots of deprecated

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Will creating new Private Keys impact Apps which are already in App Store?

iPhone/iPad data usage tracking

Syncing ABAddressbook-Entries

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In IOS 4.x or lower, viewDidAppear method is not getting called while adding subview to a view, why?

Encryption App approval from Apple

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IOS 4.3 UINavigationBar tintColor Leaks

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How to grab YUV formatted video from the camera, display it and process it

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iPod touch compared to iPhone 4 as a development platform (iOS 4.1)

iphone ios4 ipod-touch

IOS: dynamic height with a custom uitableviewcell

How does the iOS use argc and argv?

iphone xcode macos ipad ios4

Retina/non-retina images in UIImageView

Swipe gesture iphone

ios4 uigesturerecognizer

Objective-C – iOS5 font rendering has changed?

Conditionally linking for @autoreleasepool

iPhone CoreText: Find the pixel coordinates of a substring

What's the best way of live streaming iphone camera to a media server?

CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY parameter for xcodebuild (Xcode 4)

shell ios4 xcode4 xcodebuild

Why am I not able to override isEqual in my NSManagedObject subclass?