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Getting an NSArray of a single attribute from an NSArray

more than one app has same URL Identifier for Custom URL Application?

Method with an array of inputs

objective-c ios4

How to use NSComparator?

Subclassing MKAnnotationView and overriding setDragState

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How do I use the scanCrop property of a ZBar reader?

Programming iOS: clarifications about Root View Controller

CGContext text drawing doesn't scale up on iPhone 4

How can I make the iPhone 4 LED light fire instantly?

iphone ios4 flashlite

Load rtf or text file into UITextView iphone sdk

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Concurrent Queue with GCD? (iOS 4.2.1)

How can I open the Settings app when the user presses a button?

iphone iphone-sdk-3.0 ios4

How to remove separation between UITableView cells

UITableView doesn't keep row selected upon return

How do I use the writeToFile method on an NSMutableDictionary?

save bool in nsuserdefaults

Core Video examples for iOS

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To add image to an excelsheet in iphone

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invalid binary error in iTunes connect

iphone ios4