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Launch iOS app faster

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About IPhone4 screen resolution

Scalar type in Managed Object only works for IPhone 5

UIImagePNGRepresentation() and scale (iPhone 4 screen)

Do background applications *ever* quit in iOS 4?

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How could I create a shortcut on desktop in iOS through an app

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iOS - How to selectively delete files older than a month in Documents Directory

Drawing a rectangle on top of a AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer, possible?

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NSString sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize: returning incorrect height on retina displays

iPhone 4 resolution difficulty - @2x naming technique not working for button image

Understanding iPhone resolution

iOS: self.view.bounds does not fill the whole window

Simulator is not available error (Xcode 6.1)

Images blurry in iphone 4 mobile safari

colorWithPatternImage with iPhone 4 Retina Display ([email protected])

how to access Microsoft Exchange server from iPhone application?

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CGContext text drawing doesn't scale up on iPhone 4

iPhone 4 Retina "apple-touch-startup-image" for Web-apps

Detect retina screen/iPhone 4 in iPhone SDK

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