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How to make a prefix.pch file for a duplicated target

objective-c ios xcode ios4

How to add a vertical swipe gesture to iPhone app for all screens?

How to tell when controller has resumed from background?

iphone ios4 multitasking

Swipe to Delete not working

iphone uitableview uiview ios4

How to add action for UIButton

iphone objective-c ios ios4

iPhone HTML5 App Scrolling Question

Does iOS 4 make “Real Multitasking” available to 3rd party developers?

iphone ios ios4

Linker command failed with Undefined symbols for architecture i386

UITableView - Highlighting Selected Cell [iOS]

Restoring navigationItem.title after removing navigationItem.titleView

PerformSelector After delay doesn't run in background mode - iPhone

self.navigationController pushViewController not working

iphone ios ios4

Application Loader Error - IOS Upload

Compiling for iOS 3.1.3, using xcode 3.2.3 (and iOS 4 that came with it)

iphone xcode ios4

Detecting call state in iOS4

iphone ios4 core-telephony

How to create high-resolution iphone launch image?

iphone ios4

My App calls scrollViewDidScroll 19 times

Saving UIView contents in iOS 4 with real size of the images inside (i.e. scale contentes up for save)

Application Failed to Launch in Time

UIColor - getRed: ... - raises exception

ios ios4