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New posts in ios4

is there any way to make a Text field entry must be email? (in xcode)

How to enter Numbers only in UITextField and limit maximum length?

Set front-facing camera in iPhone SDK

iphone iphone-sdk-3.0 ios4

NSDate zero out seconds without rounding up

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iPhone iOS4 low-level camera control?

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SSO requiring multiple attempts to login

Custom UIView from Interface Builder

"fb://" url scheme - official or not?

How to clear MKMapView cache?

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Merge two UIImages

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NSRegularExpression:enumerateMatchesInString hangs when called more than once

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iPhone | Send vCard via simple SMS

Force on screen keyboard to show when bluetooth keyboard connected

iphone ios4 iphone-sdk-3.0

Turn a folder into a bundle/package for iTunes file sharing

ios4 itunes file-sharing

How to display strings in Xcode debugger?

CoreAnimation, AVFoundation and ability to make Video export

Adding a target to an Xcode project

Pesky new lines and whitespace in XML reader class

Change order of .xcdatamodel entries in .xcdatamodeld file

How can I ensure my iPhone app uses the Game Center sandbox?

iphone ios4 ios game-center