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New posts in ios4

Detect if iPhone screen is on/off

iphone ios4

Creating your own UTI for an iOS app

iphone ios4 plist file-format

xcode showing warnings as errors

iOS Video Editing - Is it possible to merge (side by side not one after other) two video files into one using iOS 4 AVFoundation classes?

Cropping videos in iOS

iphone ios4 crop

Unit Testing broken in iOS 4.1 SDK?

Changing color of an MKOverlay that has already been added to a mapview

objective-c ios4 xcode4 mapkit

SharedPreferences on iOS 4

Implementing a Table View in a Tab Bar Controller?

iphone iphone-sdk-3.0 ios4

llvm-gcc-4.2: error

Change color of UIDocumentInteractionController nav bar

Semantic Issue: Incompatible pointer to integer conversion sending 'NSUInteger *' (aka 'unsigned int *') to parameter of type 'NSUInteger'

How should I approach building a Universal iOS app that will include iOS 4 features, even though the iPad doesn't yet run iOS 4?

GPS coordinates in degrees to calculate distances

iphone ios4 map gps

How to get indexPath.row of tableView which is currently being displayed?

AVCaptureSession pause?

NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFString isFileURL]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x712e450'

objective-c ios xcode ios5 ios4

Iphone : How to Display Document Directory images in Image View?

UIButton touch up inside event hook up in coding phase?

events ios4 uibutton

prevent MPMoviePlayerController from automatically playing in iOS 4.2.1

ipad ios ios4