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New posts in core-telephony

How to get own mobile number from the iOS Device programmatically? [duplicate]

Getting the MCC and MNC by means of CoreTelephony.framework private API in Objective-C

SWIFT: How I can use subscriberCellularProviderDidUpdateNotifier with Swift

ios swift core-telephony

CoreTelephony crash (non-reproducible)

ios core-telephony

CoreTelephony crash for reason: Received a notification with no notification name

Get cell towers info in iOS (CoreTelephony?)

iphone ios sdk core-telephony

iOS I can't get my carrier name

ios core-telephony carrier

get phone call states in iOS 10

How to identify when SIM changed in iPhone?

iphone core-telephony

CTTelephonyCenterAddObserver doesn't notify receiving SMS

CoreTelephony eSIM functions not working on device

Is there a way to tell if your app is being used while the user is on the phone?

iphone core-telephony

iPhone background app to update the screen when a phone call is received

why do serviceSubscriberCellularProviders return nil? (in iOS 12)

swift core-telephony

Unhiding a view is very slow in CTCallCenter callEventHandler

CoreTelephony crash

Get the callers phone number from an incoming call on iPhone

ios core-telephony

iPhone, call another phone number in response to the first not answering?

iphone ios core-telephony

Is there any way to determine if the iphone is roaming?