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Getting the MCC and MNC by means of CoreTelephony.framework private API in Objective-C

I need to obtain MCC and MNC code for the current country (NOT from the class CTCarrier for the SIM home country).

I use private API for CoreTelephony.framework. On the my device all works correct. But on the other devices in the method CellMonitorCallback we obtain cells = NULL.

May be somebody can help what I done wrong?

#import "AMCoreTelephone.h"
#import <CoreTelephony/CTCarrier.h>
#import <CoreTelephony/CTTelephonyNetworkInfo.h>

struct CTResult
    int flag;
    int a;

extern CFStringRef const kCTCellMonitorCellType;
extern CFStringRef const kCTCellMonitorCellTypeServing;
extern CFStringRef const kCTCellMonitorCellTypeNeighbor;
extern CFStringRef const kCTCellMonitorCellId;
extern CFStringRef const kCTCellMonitorLAC;
extern CFStringRef const kCTCellMonitorMCC;
extern CFStringRef const kCTCellMonitorMNC;
extern CFStringRef const kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification;

id _CTServerConnectionCreate(CFAllocatorRef, void*, int*);
void _CTServerConnectionAddToRunLoop(id, CFRunLoopRef, CFStringRef);
mach_port_t _CTServerConnectionGetPort(id);

#ifdef __LP64__
void _CTServerConnectionRegisterCallService(id);
void _CTServerConnectionUnregisterCallService(id,int*);
void _CTServerConnectionRegisterForNotification(id, CFStringRef);
void _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorStart(id);
void _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorStop(id);
void _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorCopyCellInfo(id, void*, CFArrayRef*);
void _CTServerConnectionIsInHomeCountry(id, void*, int*);
void _CTServerConnectionCopyCountryCode(id, void*, CFStringRef);


void _CTServerConnectionRegisterCallService(struct CTResult*, id);
#define _CTServerConnectionRegisterCallService(connection) { struct CTResult res; _CTServerConnectionRegisterCallService(&res, connection); }

void _CTServerConnectionRegisterForNotification(struct CTResult*, id, CFStringRef);
#define _CTServerConnectionRegisterForNotification(connection, notification) { struct CTResult res; _CTServerConnectionRegisterForNotification(&res, connection, notification); }

void _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorStart(struct CTResult*, id);
#define _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorStart(connection) { struct CTResult res; _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorStart(&res, connection); }

void _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorStop(struct CTResult*, id);
#define _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorStop(connection) { struct CTResult res; _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorStop(&res, connection); }

void _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorCopyCellInfo(struct CTResult*, id, void*, CFArrayRef*);
#define _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorCopyCellInfo(connection, tmp, cells) { struct CTResult res; _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorCopyCellInfo(&res, connection, tmp, cells); }

void _CTServerConnectionIsInHomeCountry(struct CTResult*, id, int*);
#define CTServerConnectionIsInHomeCountry(connection, isHomeCountry) { struct CTResult res; _CTServerConnectionIsInHomeCountry(&res, connection, &isHomeCountry); }


@implementation AMCoreTelephone
    CTCarrier *_carrier;
    id CTConnection;
    mach_port_t  port;

+ (instancetype) sharedInstance
    static AMCoreTelephone *instance;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        instance = [[AMCoreTelephone alloc] init_true];
    return instance;

- (instancetype) init_true
    if (self = [super init]) {
        _carrier = [[CTTelephonyNetworkInfo new] subscriberCellularProvider];
    return self;

- (void) startMonitoring{
        CTConnection = _CTServerConnectionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, CellMonitorCallback, NULL);
        _CTServerConnectionRegisterForNotification(CTConnection, kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification);

        port  = _CTServerConnectionGetPort(CTConnection);
        CFMachPortRef ref = CFMachPortCreateWithPort(kCFAllocatorDefault,port,NULL,NULL, NULL);
        CFRunLoopSourceRef rlref = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource ( kCFAllocatorDefault, ref, 0);
        CFRunLoopRef currentRunLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
        CFRunLoopAddSource(currentRunLoop, rlref, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);




- (void) stopMonitoring{

int CellMonitorCallback(id connection, CFStringRef string, CFDictionaryRef dictionary, void *data)
    int tmp = 0;
    CFArrayRef cells = NULL;
    _CTServerConnectionCellMonitorCopyCellInfo(connection, (void*)&tmp, &cells);
    if (cells == NULL)
        return 0;

    for (NSDictionary* cell in (__bridge NSArray*)cells)
        int LAC, CID, MCC, MNC;

        if ([cell[(__bridge NSString*)kCTCellMonitorCellType] isEqualToString:(__bridge NSString*)kCTCellMonitorCellTypeServing])
            LAC = [cell[(__bridge NSString*)kCTCellMonitorLAC] intValue];
            CID = [cell[(__bridge NSString*)kCTCellMonitorCellId] intValue];
            MCC = [cell[(__bridge NSString*)kCTCellMonitorMCC] intValue];
            MNC = [cell[(__bridge NSString*)kCTCellMonitorMNC] intValue];
        else if ([cell[(__bridge NSString*)kCTCellMonitorCellType] isEqualToString:(__bridge NSString*)kCTCellMonitorCellTypeNeighbor])


    return 0;

like image 464
Ryhor Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 14:11


1 Answers

I think the problem is using private api, so you can't run your app on non jailbreak phones. I'm researching the thing as same you but a little late :) and I found this answer to work on iOS 8.3, it says

As of iOS 8.3 all of the above solutions require entitlement to work


Also this project on github is only sample code for me that I can find.

I think you already know answer but this may helps someone else, because it's hard to find :)

like image 92
Gürhan KODALAK Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11