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New posts in abaddressbook

How would I bridge cast NSNumber to ABRecordID in iOS

Accessing a contact detail in iOS using swift

How do I read phonebook number labels?

ios abaddressbook abperson

Get Deleted contact using ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback or any other notification

How do you access the current user's record in Address Book?

Xamarin ios: ABAddressbook.Create always null, can't request access

Dealing with international phone #s and improper contact book formatting

ABAddressBook to CNContact App Transition

Export iPhone contacts to .vcf file programmatically

Identify ABRecord records uniquely: Is [ABRecord uniqueId] immutable?

cocoa macos abaddressbook

IOS AddressBook is not fetching all the phone number from contact list

iphone ios abaddressbook

How to sort ABAddressBook contact through First Name

Loading contacts from iPhone crashes in Swift

Memory leaks with AddressBook framework

How to ask for permission to access iphone contacts addressbook again?

iphone ios ios6 abaddressbook

How to get an iPhone address book contact's emails as NSStrings?

App "failed to resume in time" and hangs

How does Square's CardCase app automatically populate the user's details from the address book?

ios abaddressbook square

Contact Framework equivalent to ABAddressBook.ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback