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New posts in ios4

iOS in-app purchase item not returned in products but only in invalidProductIdentifiers in sandbox. How to debug?

Apps building with Xcode 4.2 could not be installed in iPhone 3G

xcode ios4 build

Custom Arabic font in iOS

Should i use iOS 4 new features in my app? and why?

How to automatically delete oldest core data entries when reach 50 entry limit?

get the value of x and y of UILabel?

Designing iPhone iOS4 application behavior: running in background vs. terminating application

UIBackgroundModes key not showing in Info.plist dropdown

iphone xcode ios4 info.plist

Submitting login form entry when return key on keyboard is tapped

pragma directive in UIViewController

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How to read sms message on iOS?

iphone ios ios4 bluetooth

Need any example of UILocalNotifications [closed]

How to add hyperlink in iPhone app?

[[NSDate date]timeIntervalSince1970] seems to be 1hr behind

iphone objective-c ios4

using CLLocation objects as keys in dictionary

Weird crash issue on iOS 4.3

iphone ios4 crash

Undefined symbols error in Xcode 4.0.1 concerning CoreLocation framework


UIViewController & UIview dealloc not getting called

Customizing a slider control

How to hide folders created in Document Directory in ios?

ios ios4 ios5 ios-simulator