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iOS in-app purchase item not returned in products but only in invalidProductIdentifiers in sandbox. How to debug?

I am adding in-app purchasing to my app. I have followed all the steps that Apple outlines here (http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#technotes/tn2259/_index.html see Q&A #6 especially) as well as in the In-App Programming Guide.

The problem is that when I send a product request in during testing on my test iPod Touch, the response shows it in the invalidProductIdentifiers and not a valid product.

My App does have a specific non wild card App ID.

My profile I am using to sign the app has the App ID explicitly in it and does not use a wild card.

The in-app purchase item is a standard non-consumable non-subscription item (enabling enhanced functionality). I added it in the store as an in-app item for my app. It has been set to be cleared for sale. (It is at state "waiting for screen shot upload").

I copied and pasted the in-app item id from iTunes Connect and pasted it into my app to make sure that I did not spell anything wrong.

I have searched on StackOverflow and using Bing and Google for clues on how to diagnose this problem and basically all the answers were to check the app id, item id, signing profile, etc.

No error is being returned and the product request successfully completes so there is no NSError object to query.

How can one diagnose the problem and debug this?


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chadbag Avatar asked Sep 23 '11 11:09


1 Answers

One thing to check that you didn't mention: Did you install the build by running from Xcode with your device connected via USB? You can't connect to the sandbox store using an ad hoc deployment.

If you haven't already, take a look at Troy Brandt's exhaustive list of invalid product ID issues.

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Christopher Pickslay Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 16:01

Christopher Pickslay