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How to add audio file contents in movie using AVFoundation on iOS4?

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Building RESTful API with MVC for an iPhone app - How to secure it?

Posting location updates in background from iOS4

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Remote image size without downloading

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Install app on iphone simulator

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How to insert UIImageView in UITextView in the same way that iphone default message (SMS) app uses to insert multimedia content in the UITextView

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Why can't I connect the File's Owner to new Views in iOS SDK?

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Accessing Videos in library using AssetsLibrary framework iPhone?

How to name an app store icon?

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Incorrect NSStringEncoding value 0x0000 detected

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iphone app crashes without any console errors or crash logs:

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How to customize UITableView of EKEventViewController?

Can I determine / how, if a device has vibration or not?

Set @property of a Singleton class

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How to accept Paypal donations on iPhone iOS?

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Can the full 326 ppi of iOS 4 be used for openGL?

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check if music is played [closed]

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iOS detect WiFi hotspots or Bluetooth Devices

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