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Finding the number of Channels from an AVAsset

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Parsing a Java Properties file in Objective-C for iPhone

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how to show options when a user clicks on UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton

SecTrustEvaluate always returns kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailure with SecPolicyCreateSSL

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iPhone : How do I drag or move UIImage/UIButton as shown below?

passing data using delegates between viewcontrollers without any navigation controller connection

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NSFileProtectionComplete for iOS 4.0 apps

What is modern runtime?

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Xcode 3.2.3 - No SDK 3.1.3

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iOS 4.2 Block Animation --> Why do I get these warnings: -[UIApplication beginIgnoringInteractionEvents] overflow. Ignoring

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How do I create custom text macros in Xcode 4?

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Reading Notification flag in "Settings" application inside my iPhone application

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Apple App Loader/iTunes Connect Problem ("Apple ID does not have permission to access iTunes Connect")

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Convert NSString into byte array iphone

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getter and setters not working objective c

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Getting dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSJSONSerialization on IOS4

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iphone validation for textfield added in uialertview

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iOS Help: loaded the nib but the view outlet was not set

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How to make an iAd integrated iPhone app working on previous versions of iPhone OS?

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