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New posts in intrinsics

Converting to and from __m256i and std::vector<uint32_t>

c++ intel simd intrinsics avx2

Use C# Vector<T> SIMD to find index of matching element

How to unset N right-most set bits

How should I pass SSE data to my functions/operators?

How to use ARM intrinsics in iOS?

ios arm neon intrinsics

g++ SSE intrinsics dilemma - value from intrinsic "saturates"

g++ sse intrinsics

What is the difference between these 128bit SIMD xor operations

simd sse intrinsics sse2

std::array of AVX intrinsics

c++ clang intrinsics avx

How to use RDRAND intrinsics?

gcc intrinsics rdrand

Embedded broadcasts with intrinsics and assembly

c gcc assembly intrinsics avx512

access violation _mm_store_si128 SSE Intrinsics

intel c++ x86 simd sse intrinsics

SSE2 optimization for converting from RGB565 to RGB888 (no alpha channel)

_umul128 on Windows 32 bits

Leading zeros calculation with intrinsic function

Setting last or first n bits in SSE register

c++ x86 sse simd intrinsics

Compress mask using AVX intrinsics

c x86 simd intrinsics avx

Translating SSE to Neon: How to pack and then extract 32bit result

c++ arm sse neon intrinsics

AVX/SSE round floats down and return vector of ints?

c++ intel sse intrinsics avx

Emulating shifts on 32 bytes with AVX

c++ simd intrinsics sse2 avx2

Why and when to use __noop?

c++ visual-c++ intrinsics