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New posts in integer-division

Fast floor of a signed integer division in C / C++

Integer vs floating division -> Who is responsible for providing the result?

MATLAB division... should 29/128 return 0?

Dividing with/without using floats in C [closed]

Bug in glibc `div()` code?

Division of two numbers in NASM [duplicate]

Any way to do integer division in sympy?

What is the behavior of C89 with respect to integer division of two negative numbers: round up, round down or not defined?

Can integer division ever over/underflow, assuming the denominator <>0? [duplicate]

ColdFusion too big to be an integer

With c++ integers, does 1 divided by 2 reliably equal 0, and 3/2 = 1, 5/2 = 2 etc.?

c++ integer-division

Nasm Error: invalid combination of opcode and operands

Does \ perform integer division in VB?

Integer division compared to floored quotient: why this surprising result?

The integer division algorithm of Intel's x86 processors

Integer division & modulo operation with negative operands in Python

Causing a divide overflow error (x86)

What determines the sign of m % n for integers?

Floor division with negative number