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New posts in floor

Joint use of floor and sqrt in Haskell

haskell sqrt floor

Numpy floor float values to int

python numpy math floor

How to round down to the nearest power of 10?

c++ objective-c c rounding floor

Java integer division doesn't give floor for negative numbers

java integer floor

Python - Flooring floats

python math floor

Why does floor lose precision, and how is it affecting transitivity of equality?

Function int() rounding towards negative infinity (floor) or zero?

python int floor

why floor, ceil implementation return x + x when x is NaN or inf?

c glibc ieee-754 floor

Math.round() and Math.floor() problem with setInterval()

floor() in php not working

php floor

different values of std::floor function for arguments with same value but different types

c++ logging floor

How to correctly floor doubles in Java to two digits

java math double floor

No Truncate function in PHP - Options?

php decimal truncate floor

Is it safe to cast result of ceil to integer?

c floor ceil

How to math.floor to a decimal in Lua?

lua floor

(int) Math.sqrt(n) much slower than (int) Math.floor(Math.sqrt(n))

java performance casting floor

Representable result of floor() and ceil()

Julia: Can ceil/floor return an integer?

types julia floor ceil

perl6 Function floor works differently with numbers and strings?

numeric raku floor

composing floor and sqrt in haskell

haskell sqrt floor