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New posts in inline-assembly

Correct way to wrap CMPXCHG8B in GCC inline assembly, 32 bits

C/C++ convert int to short and inline asm (ARM specific)

c++ c arm inline-assembly

Why is one of these sooooo much faster than the other?

Constraining r10 register in gcc inline x86_64 assembly

Is Intel's timestamp reading asm code example using two more registers than are necessary?

Equivalent for NOP in C for Embedded?

GNU C inline asm input constraint for AVX512 mask registers (k1...k7)?

Converting help: __asm__ __volatile__

c assembly d inline-assembly

Why can't I get the value of asm registers in C?

how to set control register 0 (cr0) bits in x86-64 using gcc assembly on linux

CMPXCHG16B correct?

Why does GCC inline assembler require clobbering information, but MSVC doesn't

Programmatically cause Undefined Instruction exception

propagate carry bit between two ASM GCC inline block

How do I specify immediate floating point numbers with inline assembly?

``continue`` breaks label placement

Linux kernel assembly and logic

What's an example of a simple C function which is faster implemented in inline assembly?

assembly inline-assembly

How to represent hex value such as FFFFFFBB in x86 assembly programming?

Compare and swap in C++