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New posts in inline-assembly

What does %c mean in GCC inline assembly code?

Visual C++ x64 add with carry

128bit hash comparison with SSE

Is it possible to put assembly instructions into CUDA code?

What does the GCC error message, "Error: unsupported for `mov'", mean?

How do you explain gcc's inline assembly constraints for the IN, OUT instructions of i386?

Why is this inline assembly calling release, retain, and autorelease in libobjc?

"Custom intrinsic" function for x64 instead of inline assembly possible?

Using condition flags as GNU C inline asm outputs

c gcc assembly inline-assembly

Provide an example of querying Intel CPU capabilities using Rust's inline assembly

Calling assembly in GCC?

Asking for help to fix inline assembly issue in D program

x86 d inline-assembly

How to use a global variable in gcc inline assembly

GCC extended asm, struct element offset encoding

c gcc inline-assembly i386

Can GCC emit different instruction mnemonics when choosing between multiple alternative operand constraints of inline assembly?

gcc inline-assembly

How to make a C program that can run x86 hex codes

c x86 inline-assembly

How do I pass arguments to C++ functions when I call them from inline assembly

Delphi read overflow flag

What is this x86 inline assembly doing?

c assembly x86 inline-assembly

Is inline asm part of the ANSI C standard?

c++ c inline-assembly