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New posts in inline-assembly

How do I get GCC to put a char in ah/bh/ch/dh?

Adding two numbers

gcc x86 inline-assembly

Defining Bytes in GCC Inline Assembly in Dev-C++(.ascii in AT&T syntax on Windows)

GetThreadID in assembly

Concrete example of incorrect behavior of an early-clobber affecting a memory operand's addressing mode in GCC inline asm?

Linux assembler error "impossible constraint in ‘asm’"

What is a clobber?

Is it possible to access 32-bit registers in C?

What's the purpose of using assembly language inside a C program?

c assembly inline-assembly

Using GCC inline assembly with instructions that take immediate values

GCC/x86 inline asm: How do you tell gcc that inline assembly section will modify %esp?

Direct C function call using GCC's inline assembly

How can I indicate that the memory *pointed* to by an inline ASM argument may be used?

GCC Inline Assembly: Jump to label outside block

Why does MSVC not support inline assembly for AMD64 and Itanium targets?

How to access the control registers cr0,cr2,cr3 from a program? Getting segmentation fault

How to write multiline inline assembly code in GCC C++?

How do you populate an x86 XMM register with 4 identical floats from another XMM register entry?

c++ c x86 inline-assembly sse

GCC inline assembler, mixing register sizes (x86)

How to get VESA BIOS Information