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New posts in immutability

Combining immutable and normal constructor in D?

d immutability

Cheapest way of establishing happens-before with non-final field

Is a public class with getters only an Immutable class?

java immutability

Why do tuples in Python work with reversed but do not have __reversed__?

What does it mean for an object to be transitively reachable from a final field?

java immutability

Update immutable object without breaking immutability

ES2015 non-mutating array swap in React component (or flux action)

Cloning ListBuffer immutable issue Scala

Does Object destructing work by reference or it clones the object

Modify current list by adding an element - Haskell 101

list haskell immutability

Returning a mutable reference that is behind an immutable reference, passed to the function

Immutable local values in c# - a specific use case

c# constants immutability

Immutable data in Java - static or instance operators?

java static immutability

Is it correct to return IndexesSeq instead of Array if an immutable array is needed in Scala?

Need I make all classes immutable?

how using Mutable key in hashamp working in this example?

java hashmap immutability

Immutable list in Python

Enforce immutability or partial immutability that doesn't fail silently

Is it undefined behavior to mutate an immutable local variable?

Is this a valid Java implementation of an immutable class and the Builder pattern?