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What does it mean for an object to be transitively reachable from a final field?

This post talks about immutable objects being transitively reachable from a final field:

Immutability doesn't mean "does not change" in Java. It means "is transitively reachable from a final field, has not changed since the final field was set, and a reference to the object containing the final field did not escape the constructor".

For the the following code,

public class A() {
    private String myString;
    public A(String myString){
        this.myString = myString;
    public String getMyStringAndYours(){
        return myString.concat("yours");

are A instances transitively reachable from a final field? I think so because:
1. myString.value is final
2. myString is reachable from myString.value
3. An instance of A, a, is reachable from a.myString

Side question: Is a immutable?

like image 699
damat-perdigannat Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 17:03


1 Answers

I would set aside transitively reachable for a moment and concentrate on the difference between final and immutability.

class MyObject {
int a;
void setA(int val){

final MyObject obj = new MyObject(); 

now,since obj reference is final you will get a compilation error if you try to do

obj = new MyObject(); // you can't re-initialize a final reference.

But what you can do :

obj.setA(5); // perfectly valid.

you can change the state of object referenced by obj but cannot re-initialize obj to some other object

Now, if all fields inside MyObject were final and all setters were private (or absent), then there will be no way of doing


An immutable object is one whose internal state cannot change.

Now, coming back to transitively reachable. If Object A s composed of Object B and in-turn Object B has Object C (composition). Your Object A isn't truly immutable unless all transitively reachable objects are both immutable and final i.e, a.b.c here a ,b and ,c should be final to prevent re-assigning of reference to another object. Also, you should ensure that c is not shared (escapes the scope of A) whenever a is created. If it is shared, then any other object can change it.

Edit :

Strings are immutable so, you just need to make them final so that their enclosing class is immutable .

like image 132
TheLostMind Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 17:04
