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New posts in high-availability

How can MySQL Cluster 7.3 achieve 99,999% Availability? Antithesis to CAP Theorem

Linux HA / cluster: what are the differences between Pacemaker, Heartbeat, Corosync, wackamole? [closed]

Redis - Handling Failover and Load Balancing?

Challenges and Best Practices for Failing Over Services

Is RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, Service Broker or something similar an appropriate solution for creating a high availability database webservice?

Windows Services -- High availability scenarios and design approach

Calculating the probability of system failure in a distributed network

Leader election with: Etcd vs Zookeeper vs Hazelcast

Memcached – Are GET and SET operations atomic?

Kubernetes multiple database instances or HA single instance

Jenkins multiple masters

NameNode HA when using hdfs:// URI

Introduction to Erlang/OTP continuous deployment

How to make active services highly available?

hadoop namenode port in use

How to hand-over a TCP listening socket with minimal downtime?

Google Cloud Bigtable Durability/Availability Guarantees

Kafka: What is the minimum number of brokers required for high availability?

Where do services live in Kubernetes?