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New posts in game-engine

ECS / CES shared and dependent components and cache locality

game-engine entity-system

No collision is detected in n-body simulation using ReactPhysics3D

Ready-made Javascript library for modelling card games? [closed]

What are the exact color spaces of DXGI_FORMATs?

Find engine to develop html5 games in 2d or 3d isometric with tiles? [closed]

What can be a minimal example of game written in Haskell?

Why use integration for a fixed timestep game loop? (Gaffer on Games)

c++ c game-engine game-loop

Physics In Unity Game (pendulum effect)

Is there anyway to set the VkDescriptorImageInfo to null or have some way of skipping using a VkWriteDescriptorSet without vulkan complaining

c++ game-engine vulkan

Isolate Lua bindings glue code from the rest of my game engine

Creating multiple threads on the same hardware unit

Unreal Engine or Unity for moddable games [closed]

Tips for making a boardgame online GUI with JavaScript and HTML5 [closed]

Besides Impact, what JavaScript game engines exist? [closed]

css div grow upwards dynamically

javascript css game-engine

Haskell - is state monad a sign of imperative thinking?

Best way to organize java code... multiple projects or separate by packages?

Are cocos2d scheduled methods run in another thread?

What do I need to use for Game Development in C#? [closed]

c# game-engine

Unity vs Libgdx vs Cocos2d-x [closed]