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New posts in physics-engine

Performance of running a multithreaded program on a single core by setting affinity?

sensorGroup and sensorMask combination for ships and bullets in Nape

Integrating WPF, Unity3D (and Kinect)

No collision is detected in n-body simulation using ReactPhysics3D

What are the best engines for a 2D indie game? [closed]

c++ physics-engine

"physi.js" causes the error: "Script cannot be accessed from origin 'null'"

Matter.js: placing text or images on the canvas

How to make minimal example of matter.js work?

Matter.js: Adding a Bounce Property on Objects

General purpose physics engine

Calculate Impulse/Torque for both bodies in a 3D fix joint constraint

Basics of D3's Force-directed Layout

How to handle multiple simultaneous elastic collisions?

Centroid of convex polyhedron

How do you simulate a conveyor in bullet physics engine?

Beginning physics simulation

4d and n-dimensional physics engine

Is there a water physics engine for javascript?

Bullet vs Newton Game Dynamics vs ODE physics engines [closed]