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New posts in folding

Code folding for LaTeX in Emacs

emacs latex elisp folding auctex

How can I fold YAML items in VIM?

vim yaml folding

Excel Create Collapsible Indented Row Hierarchies

excel rows folding

EMACS folding/unfolding R code

emacs sweave folding ess

In WebStorm, is there a way to collapse all the elements at my current level

How do I fold code for comment blocks inside method blocks?

Python code folding with Vim

python vim folding

Could someone explain a particular use case of ‘foldexpr’ syntax in Vim?

vim folding

Example of the difference between List.fold and List.foldBack

f# fold folding

How can I disable code folding in vim with vim-latex?

vim latex folding

Is there any way to manually fold code in Eclipse?

eclipse formatting folding

Does Sublime Text 2 have the ability to region code similar to Visual Studio?

How to use Coffee-Bytes code folding

eclipse folding

Why is there no code-folding in emacs?

emacs folding

Vim: Fold top level folds only

vim folding

How can I save text folds and folded code block data to .sublime-workspace?

What code folding plugins work on Eclipse 3.6?

How can I fold content in Github markdown?

Notepad++ fold all tags by default? [closed]

xml notepad++ folding

Python code-folding in emacs?

python emacs editor folding