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Vim: Fold top level folds only




I have a long code file with syntax folding in Vim.

I know how to open all folds (zR) or close all folds (zM), and I know how to increase or decrease the foldlevel (zm, zr).

However when I increase the foldlevel the inner most folds are closed; instead I want the outer most folds closed while the inner most are unfolded. It is possible to do this manually by opening all folds and the closing each top level fold by hand it's incredible tedious specially with long files that I open quickly to get an overview of the code.

Is there any key shortcut to do this? Or do I need to make some sort of Vim function to do this? And if so, how?

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driax Avatar asked Feb 22 '11 05:02


People also ask

How does folding work in Vim?

Vim uses the same movement commands to define folds. Folding also works in visual mode. If you enter visual mode using v or V , then select a few lines of text using the movement keys, and type zf , Vim will create a fold comprising those lines. Another option is to specify a range in command mode.

How do I expand all lines in Vim?

To expand the lines, put the cursor over the fold and hit spacebar (in vim terminology, this deletes the fold). (Side note: you may want to change the look of collapsed folds.

How do I fold in Vim?

With the following in your vimrc, you can toggle folds open/closed by pressing F9. In addition, if you have :set foldmethod=manual , you can visually select some lines, then press F9 to create a fold. Here is an alternative procedure: In normal mode, press Space to toggle the current fold open/closed.

How do I fold a python code in Vim?

It maps alt+1 to fold the first python indent level (class definitions and functions), alt+2 to fold the second level (class methods), and alt+0 to unfold everything. It makes sure it only folds one level and doesn't fold any of the nested sub levels. You can still use za to toggle folding for the current block.

1 Answers

I think you want to add set foldnestmax=1 to your $MYVIMRC.

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Karl Bielefeldt Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09

Karl Bielefeldt