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An alternative to minibufexplorer (vim)?

minibufexplorer is a persistent buffer manager for vim that lives in its own window. It shows all the buffers you have open, with color indicators as to which are currently visible in windows and which have unsaved changes.

It's a great plugin which I've been hooked on forever. And without the persistent buffer display I find that I now feel lost.

The problem is, minibufexpl tends to get in the way of other window controls. As it is a normal vim window, it behaves like one, causing issues if you wanted to say, rotate your other working windows. Minibufexplorer's window would rotate as well, which is obviously less than desirable.

What I really need is a plugin that persistently displays the open buffers, but doesn't behave like a window. I don't need file navigation or anything as I use other means for that. Perhaps even something like an extended status bar that was capable of displaying information on buffers like minibufexpl does?

like image 735
numbers1311407 Avatar asked Feb 01 '11 16:02


1 Answers

There's a new fork of minibufexpl.vim on GitHub which aims to solve some of these problems. One of its new features is "Prevents resizing of MBE buffer by window resizing commands" and it is immune to commands such as C-WC-R (rotate windows).


like image 72
a paid nerd Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

a paid nerd