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New posts in floating-point

Coercing float into unsigned char on ARM vs. Intel

Calculating average of two values, minimizing errors

Converting from a C double transferred in two hex strings

Problems with Rounding Floats in Python

Floating point determinism between Apple A5 and Apple A6 CPUs

Understanding of Guru of the Week #67: Double or Nothing

Square root of negative zero

floating-point g++4.8

Is `double` guaranteed by C++03 to represent small integers exactly?

Conditional tests in primality by trial division

c math floating-point primes

What is the risk of numerical instabilities when predividing denominators?

How to limit the number of float digits JSONEncoder produces?

is there no floating point error on a / b == ka / kb?

c++ floating-point

Is x%(1e9 + 7) and x%(10**9 + 7) different in Python? If yes, why?

Haskell minimum/maximum Double Constant

C++ / C# differences with float and double

c# c++ floating-point double

Floating point division by zero exception in Delphi5

Floating-point division - bias to avoid a result less than an 'exact' value

Rounding a float number in objective-c

Convert "float" to bytes in Javascript without Float32Array

Are floating point operations in Delphi deterministic?