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New posts in floating-point

Convert Extended (80-bit) to string

Is there a standard way to get the nth `nextafter` floating-point value in C++

Is there any definition how floating-point values evaluated at compile-time are rounded?

c++ c floating-point ieee-754

Do OpenCL vector types use SIMD

Best way to get cos(a) from sin(a)

TypeError: a float is required

python types floating-point

__builtin_round is not a constant expression

Why do we need IEEE 754 remainder?

Normalized Integer to/from Float Conversion

c++ floating-point integer

Round / Truncate floating point numbers to N decimal places in Inno Setup Pascal Script

How to overflow a float?

c floating-point

What does gcc -fno-trapping-math do?

How to change the rounding mode for floating point operations in MATLAB?

Dealing with floating point errors in .NET

Exact float value from a NSString

Floating point numbers of Python "float" and PostgreSQL "double precision"

Performance of different math functions in x86?

Accuracy of floating point arithmetic

Why does 9007199254740993 != 9007199254740993.0?

Questions regarding operations on NaN