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New posts in floating-point

What is the largest possible length of a string-representation of a float?

Why does Groovy perform floating point arithmetic this way?

groovy floating-point

How to define custom float-point format (type) in C++?

Floating Point; Division vs Multiplication

math floating-point

Convert ast.Num to decimal.Decimal for precision in python

Setting a non-default rounding mode with Rust inline asm isn't respected by the LLVM optimizer?

Hexadecimal -> Float Conversion Inaccurate

Why can't I compare reals in Standard ML?

Detect overflow when converting integral to floating types

How to remove E from float big number? [duplicate]

java android floating-point

Robustly and accurately computing natural logarithm of quotient of two floating-point numbers

Does C++ standard allow std::optional<double> to be implemented without overhead

Dart - Subtracting some double values gives wrong result

How is float range that large with 4 bytes (±3.40282347E+38) [duplicate]

java floating-point int

Why does returning a floating-point value change its value?

intel c++ c floating-point x86

Why does C# allow an *implicit* conversion from Long to Float, when this could lose precision?

How to safely floor or ceil a CGFloat to int?

How to test for lossless double / integer conversion?

Most Pythonic way to print *at most* some number of decimal places [duplicate]

float/int implicit conversion

java floating-point math