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New posts in floating-point

performing floating point addition algorithmically

Why doesn't the same generated assembler code lead to the same output?

Python's behavior for rich comparison (Or, when Decimal('100.0') < .01)

calculate midpoint

floating-point bisection

Performing Bit modification on Floating point numbers in Matlab

float comparison problem objective c

Inputting float into a program that only deals with ints

c floating-point int double

Why is 0.1f's last binary bit rounded to 1?

Most efficient way to convert vector of uint32 to vector of float?

Is it dangerous converting from float to BigDecimal then back?

Float Value Is Lost in Int [duplicate]

PHP calculation is flawed


Integer division, or float multiplication?

How to convert 4 byte IEEE (little endian) float binary representation to float

Why do I get warning C4756: overflow in constant arithmetic when returning float::PositiveInfinity?

Int can be incremented by a double value

Uniform distribution of integers using floating point source

Having parameter (constant) variable with NaN value in FORTRAN

PowerShell Round & Format Float to max 2 decimals?

Numpy Cannot cast ufunc multiply output from dtype