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New posts in llvm-codegen

Setting a non-default rounding mode with Rust inline asm isn't respected by the LLVM optimizer?

Is signed integer overflow in safe Rust in release mode considered as undefined behavior?

Why does clang produce inefficient asm with -O0 (for this simple floating point sum)?

Why isn't there a branch prediction failure penalty in this Rust code?

Which integer operations have higher performance alternate methods in Rust?

LLVM opt mem2reg has no effect

Why can the Rust compiler not optimize away the Err arm of Box::downcast?

Can compilers (specifically rustc) really simplify triangle-summation to avoid a loop? How?

Why does LLVM allocate a redundant variable?

c llvm llvm-codegen

Why empty functions aren't removed as dead code in LLVM IR?

Why does LLVM appear to ignore Rust's assume intrinsic?

Can I force Rust to not optimize a single function?


c llvm abi llvm-codegen

Why doesn't the Rust optimizer remove those useless instructions (tested on Godbolt Compiler Explorer)?

Why does this code generate much more assembly than equivalent C++/Clang? [closed]

How do I compile with "ffast-math"?

Can Rust optimise away the bit-wise copy during move of an object someday?

What do the optimization levels `-Os` and `-Oz` do in rustc?

rust llvm-codegen

When should inline be used in Rust?

rust inline llvm-codegen

How does Rust's 128-bit integer `i128` work on a 64-bit system?