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Schedule error when calling multi-threaded C FFI with Haskell Callback function

haskell ffi

Can a struct containing a raw pointer implement Send and be FFI safe?

rust ffi

Calling a function at object deletion in Haskell

How to represent a pointer to a C array in Rust?

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How do I find the alignment value when defining a storable instance

haskell alignment ffi

Installing ffi 1.9.21 with native extensions on Ruby 2.4.2, Ubuntu 17.10 failing

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What is the difference between "bracket (mallocBytes n) free" and "allocaBytes"?

haskell ffi

How to lend a Rust object to C code for an arbitrary lifetime?

c rust ffi

How to call a C++ dynamic library from Rust?

c++ rust ffi

What's the proper way to manage allocated memory in the foreign language?

What is the proper way to go from a String to a *const i8?

rust ffi

Ruby string to rust and back again

ruby string rust ffi

Dynamic FFI in Go

c dynamic go ffi

Storable empty data declaration

haskell ghc ffi

Call C Functions from Haskell at runtime

c haskell dynamic ffi

How are foreign thread-local global variables accessed in Rust?

multithreading rust ffi

How to transfer ownership of a value to C code from Rust?

rust ffi ownership

How to check if function pointer passed from C is non-NULL

c rust ffi

How do I free a *char allocated via FFI in Rust?

rust ffi