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How do you work with a C++ function that returns a shared_ptr<T> when calling it from Rust over FFI?

c++ rust shared-ptr ffi

How can I call a Haskell function from Golang?

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Segmentation fault when calling a Rust lib with Ruby FFI

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Could not find ffi in any of the sources

How exactly does PhantomData work in Rust?

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FFI: How to declare `size_t`

haskell ffi

What is the correct way to convert a Vec for FFI without reallocation?

vector rust ffi

FFI in Haskell, question about the LANGUAGE CPP and how to use a c struct with the FFI

haskell ffi

How do I handle ruby arrays in ruby ffi gem?

c ruby ffi

creating a Dynamic array class in ruby using FFI and C function

c ruby ffi

FFI Haskell Callback with State

haskell ffi

GHCi doesn't work with FFI export declarations/shared libraries

haskell ffi ghci

How do I return an vector of dynamic length in a pub extern "C" fn?

rust ffi

Create *mut *mut to a struct

rust ffi

Haskell FFI: Interfacing with simple C++?

c++ haskell ffi

GHC does not generate a binary despite no errors shown

haskell ghc ffi

Calling Haskell FFI Function Ptrs from C

c haskell ffi

LuaJIT FFI callback performance

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Using Haskell to extend Perl?

perl haskell ffi

Dealing with problematic parent-child relationships enforced by C FFI

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