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Should I use libc::c_char or std::os::raw::c_char?

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Python 3 replacement for PyFile_AsFile

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Dart/Flutter ffi (Foreign Function Interface) native callbacks eg: sqlite3_exec

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Feedback on Haskell FFI [closed]

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Haskell Polyvariadic Function With IO

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When does the garbage collector run when calling Haskell exports from C?

Why is there no 'foreign import prim unsafe'?

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How to choose right Haskell C type?

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Freeing memory allocated with newCString

How to force g++ to inline functions?

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How to "unpack" a structure in haskell

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Calling Rust from Swift

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Testing FFI Code (with "foreign import"s) with GHCi

haskell ffi ghci

How to implement actions in ST-monad with my own underlying representation (similarly to STRef or STArray) using simple techniques?

How to use hsc2hs to bind to constants, functions and data structures?

haskell ffi hsc2hs

How to pass a string from Haskell to C?

c haskell ffi

Passing a Rust variable to a C function that expects to be able to modify it

c rust ffi

Haskell FFI: Calling FunPtrs

c haskell ffi

How difficult is the LuaJIT FFI?

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Calculate distance between two raw pointers

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