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Applicative without a functor

Garbage collector issues in Haskell runtime when (de)allocations are managed in C

Implementation of MVar in C?

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Haskell Stack and C Libraries

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Haskell foreign import stdcall on DLL function

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How to create a nim dll and call it from c#

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Generate a C struct based on a complex Haskell type

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Catching panic! when Rust called from C FFI, without spawning threads

How to use LuaJIT's ffi module when embedding?

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At a language level, what exactly is `ccall`?

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Haskell FFI - How to handle C functions that accept or return structs instead of pointers to structs?

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How do I pass a closure through raw pointers as an argument to a C function?

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unable to install compass

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Squeezing more performance out of monadic streams in Haskell

How to catch a Haskell exception that is thrown in a Haskell callback function called by a C function?

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Is it possible to create PHP extensions in Haskell?

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Linking to a C++ library that has extern "C" functions

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Why is GHC distributed with gcc and g++?

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Passing a list of strings from Python to Rust

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