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Ruby on Rails: inserting a partial in different language (locale)

Ruby on rails: using javascript variable in <%= %> tags in Html.erb

How to add a link_to in a select_tag with Rails/ERB?

Why is String Interpolation Failing in erb Template?

$ is not defined within a .js.erb view using Webpack 2 in Rails app

How to wrap every N elements in parent div in ERB (Rails)?

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Alternatives to ERB

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Why is this an error with ERB?

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How to comment code in Rails views?

TextMate js.erb: toggle <%= %>, <% %>

How do i enable tabwidth of 2 in eclipse for erb?

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recognize Ruby code in Treetop grammar

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Nesting Layouts in Sinatra

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How to wrap content in html in a Rails helper

Use ruby array for a javascript array in erb. Escaping quotes

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Wrong number of arguments?

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Ruby DSL used across multiple <% %> tags or multiple lines

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What are the main differences between HAML, SASS/Compass and ERB?