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Why is String Interpolation Failing in erb Template?

I have the following code in a .erb file:

<% embed='<a href="http://someurl.com/whatever">#{@webcast.name}</a>'%>

<p id="embedCode">
            <%= embed %>

The anchor tag is correctly displayed onscreen as text rather than rendered as a dom element, however the string interpolation is failing. The html is successfully displayed as text but #{@webcast.name} is not evaluated. If a include <%= @webcast.name => in the template, the webcast name in rendered successfully.

like image 881
Undistraction Avatar asked May 18 '12 09:05


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1 Answers

Because strings delimited with single quotation marks '' are not interpolated.

Change your code to e.g.:

<% embed = "<a href=\"http://someurl.com/whatever\">#{@webcast.name}</a>" %>

or (if you want to avoid masking the double-quote characters ")

<% embed = %(<a href="http://someurl.com/whatever">#{@webcast.name}</a>) %>

or just (thanks to Samy Dindane for the hint):

<% embed = "<a href='http://someurl.com/whatever'>#{@webcast.name}</a>" %>
like image 108
undur_gongor Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09
