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Rails, jQuery, .js.erb files, JS not executed by the browser

How can I syntax check (not render) a Rails 3 ERB template file?

JSP, can it work similar to yield, layout, content_for in Ruby/Rails/Erb

java ruby-on-rails ruby jsp erb

application.css not being served as an asset

link_to() in Rails flash

How does one comment in an erb template?

Rails - override <head> page element when using a partial or a specific controller view

Indentation in ERB templates

ruby-on-rails ruby erb

How to implement erb partials in a non rails app?

ruby erb partials

Rails plain text template

ruby-on-rails erb

Html escaping in a Rails 3 view

How can I convert html.slim to html.erb?

Rails3 fields_for on text Hash: not working as expected

Passing options to template function in thor

ruby templates erb thor

How can I convert html.slim files to html or html.erb?

html converter erb slim-lang

Add Class To Body Using ERB In A View - Rails

ruby-on-rails ruby erb

Proper place to define variables used by my erb templates + layouts for HTML styles?

ruby-on-rails erb

Using Markdown with Rails

how to use erb to output file after binding

ruby templates erb

Sass with erb won't compile