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Proper place to define variables used by my erb templates + layouts for HTML styles?

I have a local variable in an erb template:

<% thumbnail_width = 50 %>

I'm using this for sizing some thumbnail images.

But now I realize that a number of templates will need to access this variable.

Where should I move it to and what type of variable should it be?

like image 995
ipso facto Avatar asked Jul 08 '09 15:07

ipso facto

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1 Answers

There are several solutions, depending on how this variable interacts with the Rails environment.


You can use a global configuration file (see for example SimpleConfig plugin). This is the preferred choice when the variable might change depending on the environment.


You can define a constant if the variable should be accessible in many different places and contexts. For example, you might want to create the file


and write there all your default configurations and constants. A constant defined here will be automatically available all over your Rails application.


If your variable is tied to a specific section of the application, for instance a view, you might want to take advantage of Rails helpers. In your specific case, you can create an image helper in your application_helper.rb

module ApplicationHelper


  def thumbnail_tag(source, options = {})
    image_tag(source, options.reverse_merge(:width => THUMBNAIL_WIDTH))


Then use the helper when you need to create a thumbnail instead of copying the same logic over and over in every file.

like image 146
Simone Carletti Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11

Simone Carletti