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rails - Displaying image in view after uploading a file via Active Storage

I have a project that is on rails 5.1.2 and I am trying to implement Active Storage on it, following couple of tutorials online I am able to setup the Active Storage and I can see the data being saved inside the active_storage_blobs and active_storage_attachments table.

  1. Tutorial 1
  2. Tutorial 2

I also confirmed by running user.avatar.attached? and in response I got true so things are working.

What I am having problem with is displaying an image in view, I have tried

<%= image_tag(url_for(user.avatar)) %>

NoMethodError: undefined method `active_storage_attachment_path'

What I have done to setup Active Storage

Ran the install command

rails active_storage:install

This gave error Don't know how to build task 'active_storage:install'

but the following command worked

rails activestorage:install

I have added gem 'activestorage' inside gemfile

This is what I have inside my storage_services.yml

  service: Disk
  root: <%= Rails.root.join("tmp/storage") %>

  service: Disk
  root: <%= Rails.root.join("storage") %>

Inside my development.rb I have added

config.active_storage.service = :local

Inside my User model I have added has_one_attached :avatar

Inside the controller on update I added the attachment code

  1. I can see the image being added in database,
  2. I can see the image being saved in the storage directory on root

Yet I am not able to display it,

What am I missing here? What do I need to do to get the image to display in the view? Why am i getting this error

NoMethodError: undefined method `active_storage_attachment_path'

like image 549
Shairyar Avatar asked Oct 27 '17 09:10


People also ask

How do I show an image in Ruby on Rails?

Step 1 Import the Image File The goat image that will be added to the about page can be downloaded from this URL. To add the goat image to project, we save the image file in the project directory app/assets/images/ . Putting the image in this directory will make the image available for the app's webpages to display.

Where are active storage images stored?

By default in the development environment, Active Storage stores all uploaded images on your local disk in the storage subdirectory of the Rails application directory. That's the file you uploaded!

Where does Rails app store images?

To do this, go to app/assets/images and add all your file to the images folder. Though this is fine for small projects, you may want to better organize your image files if you're going to build a large project that can have hundreds of images.

1 Answers

You are doing wrong, you need to replace following code

<%= image_tag(url_for(user.avatar)) %>


<%= image_tag(user.avatar) %>

url_for is used to generate exact url not image tag.

like image 191
Kamal Panhwar Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 02:10

Kamal Panhwar