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How can I convert html.slim files to html or html.erb?

I need to convert the html.slim files in my Ruby on Rails application to html.erb. Is there any easy way to do it? I tried many options listed in Stack Overflow and other sites. But nothing worked for me. I found a converter http://slim2html.raving.systems/ and a html to slim converter http://html2slim.herokuapp.com/ . It is not of my use since it does not work the other way around. Should I have to do it manually? Please help.

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Aswathy Avatar asked Feb 04 '15 07:02


4 Answers

slimrb -e foo.html.slim foo.html.erb

so on my ubuntu/git bash console, this is what is do it , easily

mike@mike-PORTEGE-Z30t-A:~/workspace/demo$ slimrb -e app/views/layouts/_header.html.slim app/views/layouts/_header.html.erb

and i get my new converted .erb file for .slim file.

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Milind Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09


I just did it using Codepen.io

Start a new pen. Choosing Slim as your HTML Markdown language. Paste in your Slim - then click the view compiled button in your HTML pane.

You'll see the straight HTML version of your markup.

You can then copy that out.

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Sirat Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 23:11


You can!

First, make sure you have already installed slim-rails. You can install it by calling gem install slim-rails.

Then write something in the input.html

Finally, you open the terminal and call:

echo `slimrb input.html` > output.html

NOTE: it is `, not ' or "

Open file output.html, that's what you looking for!

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duykhoa Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 22:11


@duykhoa's answer is best and best for converting a whole file, but you can also use the inspector to see and copy the compiled HTML (CTRL+SHIFT+I in Chrome or right-click and then click on inspect to inspect an element).

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avjaarsveld Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 22:11
