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New posts in entity-framework-5

"Cloning" EntityConnections and ObjectContexts in Entity Framework

Performance degradation after upgrading EF4 model to EF5 model (DbContext)


how to generate table per hierarchy using entity framework 5 model first

Adding a custom t4 template to DDL Generation Template dropdownlist

Entity Framework 5: How to Outer Join Table Valued Function

Entity Framework selects too many columns in views

c# entity-framework-5

Generic Repository & Entity Framework Logic to Retrieve Entity with Includes

c# entity-framework-5

What effect does the virtual keyword have on entity properties in Entity Framework 5?

using WebSercurity.CreateAccount with other queries in a TrasactionScope, without DTC Enabled

Entity framework code first convert between class boolean and column integer

How do I write tests for my web application?

Creating a set from Table Valued Function in Entity Framework

Refactor Linq code and "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method"

Comparing a nullable column throws "Unable to cast the type..." exception

EF vs Nhibernate Merge Disconnected Object Graph

Updated to EF5 now NotMapped annotation doesn't work

c# entity-framework-5

Creating a LINQ Expression where parameter equals object

c# linq entity-framework-5

Enum as Key in entity framework 5 throwing error on many to many joins