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New posts in ef-model-first

Entity Framework Model-First Enum Type MetadataType

how to generate table per hierarchy using entity framework 5 model first

Adding a custom t4 template to DDL Generation Template dropdownlist

Mapping Boolean property to Oracle using Entity Framework

EF - Navigation property is null, even after reloading entity, but works when program is restarted

Entity framework model first timestamp

How to auto-update the Modified property on a Entity in Entity Framework 4 when saving?

EF pluralize table's name on generating database from model

EntitySet System.InvalidOperationException - "the entity type is not part of the model for the current context"

What can I use instead of an Include?

How to run an SQL script against a MDF file?

Entity Framework: Model First, Inheritance?

Entity Framework Core - Foreign Key 1 (extra foreign key column)

Model First: how to add property of type Color?

Allow null foreign key GUID

Use strong spatial types option in model designer locked?

How to avoid data loss with EF Model First database schema upgrade?