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New posts in entity-framework-5

How to define a custom naming convention if EF 5

Entity Framework / Linq - Get distinct values of dynamically specified property

c# linq entity-framework-5

Best way to concat strings and numbers in SQL server using Entity Framework 5?

Generic Repository and Leaky Abstraction

What's the best way to turn an EF proxy object into the original POCO object?

Overriding the EntityFramework SaveChanges - Grab the SQL and call a custom proc

Incorrect value when saving enum

Entity Framework Dynamic DbSet for all entities

MVC 4 - EF Model w/ Spaces

Saving a large graph with Entity Framework 5

Entity Framework 5, switch from code first to database first?

Whats the difference between IQueryable and DbQuery?

Entity Framework 5 and XElement fields

How do I gracefully reattach an Entity Framework 5 POCO structure and save it?

Web.config configuration for EF Migrations

EF 4.3.1 and EF 5.0 DbSet.Local is slower than an actual Database query

What do I need to add into OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) function to define relations between Person and Role?

Use Entity framework I want to include only first children objects and not child of child(sub of sub)

Entity Framework - getting a table's column names as a string array

EntityType 'DbGeography' has no key defined