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How to turn `Either[Error, Option[Either[Error, Account]]]` to `Either[Error, Option[Account]]` with typelevel cats?

Generic sequence of Either to Either of sequence with preserved type

EitherT: Call function returning Either only if a certain condition is true (otherwise return right)

Either a b. Different Hoogle results after two years?

haskell either hoogle

Using returned EitherT in haskell program

Haskell defining Functor instance for an alternative Either data type

Why this Either-monad code does not type check?

haskell monads either

What is the name for the contrary of Tuple or Either with more than two options?

List[String] does not have a member traverse from cats

How to test Either from Arrow in functional style

Future[Either[A, B]] to Future[Either[A, C]] using a (B => Future[C]) function

scala future either

C# FP: Validation and execution with error handling functional way - space for improvement?

Correct usage of Either, Try and Exceptions/ControlThrowable in scala

Future[List[Error \/ Double]] to Future[[List[Error] \/ List[Double]] in Scala

list scala scalaz either

Handle errors with union

c scala unions either

For comprehensions with kotlin and arrow-kt library

Why does Either derives Show but Maybe does not?

Is it possible to change the monad type in a monadic sequence?

haskell monads either

Combining State monad with Either-style error propagation

Is there a standard name or implementation of the "purely applicative Either"?

haskell applicative either